Clean Dezign 11.5" Large Salad and Serving Bowl with Bamboo Wood Lid and Servers Set - Bamboo Fiber Mixing Bowl and Utensils with Wooden Cutting Board Top Large, Grey

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349.11 ريال
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سعر Clean Dezign 11.5" Large Salad and Serving Bowl with Bamboo Wood Lid and Servers Set ... في السعودية

Clean Dezign 11.5" Large Salad and Serving Bowl with Bamboo Wood Lid and Servers Set - Bamboo Fiber Mixing Bowl and Utensils with Wooden Cutting Board Top Large, Grey - B09GBMJMNT | اخر تحديث للسعر قبل 5 يوم
امازون السعودية
يشحن من السعودية ⋅ توصيل خلال 3-12 أيام معلومات أكثر
349.11 ريال
+ 12 توصيل

وصف Clean Dezign 11.5" Large Salad and Serving Bowl with Bamboo Wood Lid and Servers Set ...

  • المنتج 11.5" large salad and serving bowl with bamboo wood lid and servers set - bamboo fiber mixing bowl and utensils with wooden cutting board top large, grey مصنع من شركة Clean Dezign و تم اضافته في يوليو 2022
  • خصائص هذا النموذج من المنتج هي اللون : رمادي , انشes : 11.5 انش , Piece Count : 4 Pieces.