The sunflower seeds 230 g Dates & Dried Fruit is manufactured by Baja and was added around February 2024.
The product is sold at 2 online shops in Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam.
The best price for the Baja Sunflower Seeds 230 g in Saudi Arabia is SAR 10 sold at Lulu HyperMarket and available with free shipping and delivery within .
Available payment methods are
Product is also sold at Amazon SA, Lulu HyperMarket for a price up to SAR 14
By comparing prices and buying from the cheapest store you can save up to 29% or SAR 4.
Price Insights for Baja Sunflower Seeds 230 g
Cheapest price for Baja Sunflower Seeds 230 g in Saudi Arabia is SAR 9.95 sold at Lulu HyperMarket.
No major price change compared to two weeks ago.
**Amazon pricing is not included in price tracking/graph