Description for Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender MQ7075X BRMQ7075BK
The multiquick 7 hand blender mq7075x brmq7075bk Blenders & Juicer is manufactured by Braun and was added around September 2020.
This version of the Blenders & Juicer comes in Color : Black , Size in Liters : 1.25 Liter.
The product is sold at 2 online shops in Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam.
The best price for the Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender in Saudi Arabia is SAR 679 sold at Extra Stores& Lulu HyperMarket and available with free shipping and delivery within .
Available payment methods are
Video Reviews for Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender MQ7075X BRMQ7075BK
Braun Multiquick 7 Hand Blender , Braun hand blender mq7075x
Price Insights for Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender MQ7075X BRMQ7075BK
Cheapest price for Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender MQ7075X BRMQ7075BK in Saudi Arabia is SAR 679 sold at Extra Stores.
Price is up 20% compared to two weeks ago.
**Amazon pricing is not included in price tracking/graph
Specifications for Braun MultiQuick 7 Hand Blender MQ7075X BRMQ7075BK