Kraken X Lite Ultralight Gaming Headset- for PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch - Classic Black - RZ04-02950100-R3M1/RZ04-02950100-R381 | Price updated 26 minutes ago
Delivery time depends on the productMore info2-year warranty if seller is noon. If third-party seller, depends on product.Payment Visa, COD, MasterCard, Amex Store info and policies▶Less info
Ships From Saudi ArabiaDelivery in 3-12 daysMore info+4 SAR extra charge for CODPayment Visa, CashU, COD, Paypal, MasterCard Store info and policies▶Less info
The رايزر كراكين اكس سماعة قيمنق خفيفة للغاية: 7.1 صوت محيطي - اطار خفيف الوزن - ميكروفون كاردويد قابل للثني - مناسب لاجهزة الكمبيوتر xbox ps4 نينتندو Headphones & Earphone is manufactured by Razer and was added around July 2020.